
photo (2)

Photo of Sierra taken by Regina Mountjoy, Recherche Photography

My name is Sierra. I am 13 years old. Some of my hobbies are dance, volleyball, and I love to read. I also play viola. I am adopted and have a dog named Lucy. (Lucy is named after Lucy Queen of Narnia, The Valiant. Though personally I don’t think my dog Lucy is very valiant.) I will sometimes hopefully will have guest writers who will write blog posts in genres I either am not interested in or am not allowed to read. Also if the title has a plus sign (+) next to the title, it means there are more in the series.  I hope you enjoy my blog.

Rating System:

Don’t even think about it = :-< 

Bad book = 😦

Ok book = :-0

Recommend = 🙂

Love, love, love this book = ❤

More than one in the series: + (This sign is up next to the title.)

And also the 1-10 scale for a more accurate picture. 

8 thoughts on “About

  1. “Boi okey, we’um be travelling furr, but oi think we’um made it, boi-hurr!”
    “Where’um we boi naow, Foremole?”
    “We’um dug roight up into Lady Sierra’s web-soite!”
    “Lady Sierra, who be she?”
    “Boi-hurr, just’m the most talentered boik reviewer on the innernet! Sierra’s Bookmark, it says!”
    “That thurr’s a gurtly wunnerful toitle! Most talentered, you’m say?”
    “Oi do naow! Lookee thurr! She’s reviewed The Legend of Luke by Brian Jacques!”
    “Who’m that be, Foremole?”
    “‘Tis a man what loiks to make funny voices for his characters, likes us’m moles!”
    “Boi-okey, that’s wunnerful! We’um should stay for awhoile. Hasta any October Ale and Deeper n’ Ever Beetroot Pie?”
    “Oi do! Let us’m read a bit o’ Sierra’s articles whoile we’m here. Sound good?”
    “Burr aye, yessir! Cheers, matie!”

  2. This picture of you is perfection! You are such a beautiful and talented girl, Sierra Grace! I love reading your blog and following your adventures through story-telling. Keep up the good work 🙂

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